Challenge of remaining positive

This is not an easy thing to do. There seems to always be something that is not quite right either in our personal life, or at work. The problem is one of these has to go fairly smoothly, can’t have big problems with both, or you will never find peace and quiet anywhere. law of attraction

In my opinion, there are more things in our control with our personal lives. If there is someone you know who truly is detrimental to your well being, get rid of them. A lot of us feel badly when we just cut someone out of our lives, and we tend to put it off. You have to write down the pros and cons about this person and figure out should they stay or go. This is the person who never seems to be satisfied with anything, complains all the time and just doesn’t seem to find any positive things to say about anything. You know who they are, tell them something good and I promise you they will see the negative and it doesn’t matter what it is, Each time you think you might be able to get them to see the good, it won’t happen. They probably have a dozen stories or so about their parents, or their childhood. or anyone they can think of for wherever they are in life. Trust me they don’t see it but everyone else does. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling sorry for them or you will do yourself an injustice, dump them now, and see how your life becomes a little brighter just knowing you don’t have to deal with them. Get rid of anyone who is controlling, negative, opinionated, jealous, prejudiced against just about everyone for a variety of reasons, whether its race, age, religion, whatever it might be, this person will never change and will only bring you down. It doesn’t matter how long you have known them, don’t put it off another minute. You will feel better. If its a significant other who is not treating you as they should, get out of the relationship. It is better to be alone than to be with someone who could do you harm. No one said these are easy things to do, just know you have to do them to save your own mental health. With people like this in your life you will think about how you can bring them around and they will suddenly become these positive individuals who are a blessing in your life. Not going to 4

Look carefully at what is in your personal life that is bringing you down, write it down, and look at it from every angle, and you will be in a better place to change it, whatever or whoever it is.  These are not snap decisions, but well thought out with a plan. Moving, changing jobs, dropping friends, getting rid of significant others, taking a course in money management, child rearing, a different occupation,  self improvement, exercise classes, dance classes, join a church, there are so many options out there that can promote positive thinking and help us feel better about ourselves and make better choices in our life. When you feel better about yourself you tend to be a more positive  person and it will come naturally. oscar wilde  90

I have not said anything new, but the new thing may be actually following through and doing something about it.

Not as much control on a job as personally, but if you are really unhappy get out. You are not doing your boss any favors by sticking around unhappy and and not being a productive person on the job. It isn’t fair to either. This is a little harder, research what you are passionate about and get paid for it. This takes a lot more investment of time. The world does not stop turning while you are considering a change of job, funny, bills still have a habit of coming in at the same time, and you have gotten used to eating everyday so secure what you are going to do, give proper notice and don’t skip a paycheck unless you are one of those who has put 6 months salary away. law of attraction 6

When you are getting paid for something you feel passionate about, that is the ultimate to strive for in a job. On the other hand if you are in a job because you have to be and you really do not derive much pleasure in it, then this is drudgery. Big difference.

The end result is, figure out what is not going right in your life, and guess what if you concentrate on what you want instead of what you don’t want, it will happen. The Secret can bring it all to you, you must believe. Winston Churchill

It is human nature to stress the negative, and when you do that  I promise you the negative will happen,. Be thankful for what you do have and proceed to think of the things you do want and leave the negative out of it. Remember your life right now are your thoughts manifested. You may think you did not dwell on the negative or things going badly, or wrong choices but you did, or things wouldn’t be what they are today. So if you want positive changes change your thoughts, get rid of the excess baggage and people, and concentrate on the good in life.oscar wilde 102

Do something for someone else without expecting something in return or recognition for your good deed, because then it no longer becomes a good deed.



  1. Monergyguy · May 17, 2017

    We all have positive and negative sides; the trick is to keep them in balance and be aware when the negative comes out.


    • smaneli · May 17, 2017

      I am not talking about the negative or positive forces within each of us. I am saying get rid of the outside negative forces in your life. This is something that can be achieved.

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